Objective 1: Keynote address

My primary mission was to give a Keynote address on Digital Citizenship Programme, which is one of our signature dishes. It is about our concept and thinking behind the programme, as well as our approach. As mentioned to the iSummit participants, it is not the effort of just the ICT department. Indeed, it evolved around Character Development, and that was why the two departments (ICT and Student Development) worked very closely when it came to conceptualisation, planning and implementation.

Click HERE to access the materials (in a website)

The speech was delivered in English (which was far less stressful). Indeed, I was pretty proud of how well I had pieced and connected the ideas. The highlight was definitely the 'showing-off' of our "products" - the reflection by the Cyber Wellness Ambassadors - that they articulated their passion and purpose of advocacy.

Nevertheless, it was also the first time I got involved in the forum discussion which I realised I was not quite prepared to take questions in an unfamiliar environment, especially when I was on the stage with two other very experienced, heavy-weighted and well-respected guest speakers. This was even more stressful than conducting the workshop in mandarin. Anyway, it was a hard to come-by experience. 

Had a great time with Ching Ya and Zhengguo to prepare for the presentation the next morning.
Thanks for all the support rendered!

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